1. 高速带刀平缝机适合于缝制各种衬衫,西服等,特别是衣领,前襟等部位。
For shirts, suits, especially collars, foreparts etc.
2. 高速、高效;线迹美观;切边平整,缝纫和修边工序一次完成。
Speedyefficient; beautiful stitch; smooth cutting edge, sewingedging can finish simultaneously.
3. 高速带刀平缝机使用调节钮可轻松调整缝距。
Stitch length can be adjusted easily by turning the length dial.
4. 全自动供油系统设计确保每一个运转部件都获得充分润滑,提高机器的使用寿命。
Automatic lubricating system ensures sufficient lubrication of every part to achieve higher durability.
5. 可靠耐磨性高的切线机构确保切线动作的稳定性,提高生产效率。
Reliabledurable trimmer system ensures the stable trimmingincreases production efficiency.
6. 拔出旋钮,可停止切布动作,作为一般单针平缝机使用。
Unplug the knob can stop cutting. It can be used as one standard single needle lockstitch machine.
7. 针位配件可供选择。
The optional needle parts are available.