G4218-40160 | Gas tube fitting, 6 mm diameter, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40170 | Gas inlet tube, 6 mm, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40400 | Front panel shield window, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-81100 | Signal cable, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-81101 | Auto zero cable, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-81102 | External event cable, used with 1260 Infinity liquid chromatography evaporative light scattering detector systems, model G4218A | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4260-60005 | Injection trigger cable, used with 1260 and 1290 liquid chromotography systems | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0860-0610 | PL-ELS 2100 display, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0880-0310 | Analog output cable, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0300 | Analog output cable, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0325 | RS232 通信电缆 | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0345 | Trigger cable for dimension software, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0350 | Remote start cable, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0400 | Mass flow controller, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0425 | Gas inlet assembly, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0450 | Solvent inlet connector, 1/16 in, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0520 | Power supply, 380-LC, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0530 | ELDS gas inlet plug, used with 1260 and 1290 Infinity liquid chomoatography systems, models G4260A, G4260B, G4261A, and G4261B | 0.00 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40220 | 可更换的气路管,带不锈钢接头和玻璃单向阀,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的雾化器 | 680.94 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0640 | 空气适配器工具包,适用于蒸发光散射检测器 G4260B/G4261B | 893.88 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40010 | 可更换的黑色塑料螺帽,13 mm 直径,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的雾化室 | 999.18 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40011 | 可更换的黑色塑料螺帽,22 mm 直径,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的雾化室 | 999.18 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40110 | 可更换的黑色排废管,2.5 m,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器 | 1226.16 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40150 | 可更换的柱芯,0.01 µm 用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的气体调节器 | 1360.71 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-68010 | 可更换的密封件工具包,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的雾化室 | 1361.88 CNY | Quantity |
PL0890-0495 | 排气管,适用于安捷伦蒸发光散射检测器 G4260B/G4261B | 2088.45 CNY | Quantity |
5023-2255 | 分流器组件,1 至 5 mL/min,分析型,用于蒸发光散射检测器 | 2242.89 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40100 | 可更换的排废管线,带不锈钢接头,用于G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器 | 2383.29 CNY | Quantity |
5023-2256 | 分流器组件,2 至 10 mL/min,分析型,用于 Agilent G4260B 蒸发光散射检测器 | 2383.29 CNY | Quantity |
5023-2257 | 分流器组件,8 至 40 mL/min,制备型,用于 Agilent G4260B 蒸发光散射检测器 | 2383.29 CNY | Quantity |
5023-2258 | 分流器组件,25 至 100 mL/min,制备型,用于 Agilent G4260B 蒸发光散射检测器 | 2383.29 CNY | Quantity |
5023-2259 | 分流器组件,75 至 300 mL/min,制备型,用于 Agilent G4260B 蒸发光散射检测器 | 2383.29 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-60100 | 气体调节器,带 0.01 µm 过滤器和压力计 | 4265.82 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-40000 | G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的更换玻璃喷雾室 | 4403.88 CNY | Quantity |
5067-5708 | Capillary kit, for Agilent Online-SPE Starter Set G4742A | 11409.84 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-20001 | G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的更换半微量流量雾化器 | 23563.80 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-20000 | G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器的更换标准流量雾化器 | 24740.82 CNY | Quantity |
G4218-20004 | 可更换的 RRLC 雾化器,用于 G4218A 蒸发光散射检测器 |
安捷伦1290液相蒸发光散射检测器(ELSD):安捷伦的各种蒸发光散射检测器 (ELSD) 备件和更换部件可在各种 ELSD 应用和领域中提供zui高质量和*性能。可选用多种不同流速的雾化器,配有雾化室和其他配套组件。所提供的其他消耗品包括黑塑料螺母和排出管线、闷头和滤芯以及各种其他管线。所有 ELSD 备件和更换部件都按照安捷伦严格的质量标准进行制造。
1) 可检测挥发性低于流动相的任何样品;
2) 流动相低温雾化和蒸发,对热不稳定和挥发性化合物亦有较高灵敏度;
3) 广泛的梯度和溶剂兼容性,无溶剂峰干扰;
4) 辅助载气提高了检测灵敏度,保持检测池内的
5) 高精度雾化和蒸发温度控制,保证高精度检测;
6) 可与任何HPLC系统连接。
应用范围 通用有光吸收的化合物通用 通用
响应 质量相关 化学相关折光度相关 质量相关
灵敏度高 高 低 高
未知物检测 能 不能 能 能
流动相影响/梯度 不影响 本底影响 影响 不影响
基线稳定性 好较好 差 好