面议2098-DSD-010-SE AB罗克韦尔伺服器维修
面议2198-H015-ERS AB伺服控制器
面议2198-H070-ERS AB伺服驱动器
面议2098-DSD-075-SE AB伺服驱动器
面议4100-234-R AB伺服器
面议1394C-SJT22A 驱动器
面议KNX3-KAP1 2092-KAP1二手AB伺服驱动器批发价
面议1769-L24ER-QBFC1B ABPLC,易淘工控商城主营AB工控PLC模块,同步上架AB系列模块:1756-L55、1756-DNB、1756-M12、1756-L55、1766-L32BXB。
1769-L24ER-QBFC1B ABPLC供应中心下面介绍1769L18ERM-Compact-ABplc调试:
1769L18ERM是campatlogix中新推出的一款处理器,用惯了老系列的,发现这种新推出的处理器还是有些特殊的地方。这不,下载程序的时候就出了个The controller acknowledged the request for a transition to Remote Program mode, but it has not completed the transition. You can't download until the transition completes. Error 747-0 不要以为是编程软件的问题。把运行编程的拨码拨到PRO后,处理器的RUN灯还亮着,呵呵,也不是处理器的拨码开关坏了。那到底是什么问题呢?请看这段说明: Cause The controller has to wait until all pending messages (including block transfers) and motions have completed before completing the mode change. When the ControlLogix (CL) processor receives a command from the key switch or software to transition to program mode, it has to shut down all connections and motions. All MSG instructions (both messaging and block transfers) must complete or timeout, and all I/O connections must close or timeout before the Run light turns off. Also, motion instructions that are in progress have to reach safe-stopping points before they can stop. Other outside communications, such as HMI or spreadsheet data requests via DDE, can cause slow transitions, too. 简单的说就是:这个处理器是支持伺服的,那么处理器认为会有某些轴还没有被安全的停止,或者处理器还在和外部设备通信。处理器会等待这些都完成后,它才会切换模式。因此在这个时候你要下载程序就会出现上面的那个提示。 解决的办法是什么? 就是你把处理器拨到PRO状态,等待几分钟后,待RUN等熄灭后,其他操作就都正常了,你去下载程序什么的就没问题了。