

来源:宁波宫铁智能科技有限公司2024/4/3 7:42:469

Ningbo Gongtie Smart Technology Co.,Ltd located in the east ocean of China, is a “national high-tech enterprise”, specialized in precise CNC lathe, gantry loader, and feeding system so on, below is a project introduction for pneumatic tool rotor industry application.
Great productivity, robustness, quality of the materials and reliability are the distinctive features of GONGTIE machines.
The following is a customer case about Irregular nut.

 Direct-Application: 直接应用
Below is the customer case parts machined by our CNC LATHES for your reference.


 Indirect application:  间接应用

 Typical customer: 典型客户
The exact producing parts:产品加工过程


Introduction: 机床选型介绍

As for this product, considering customer’s mass production requirement, 


 We propose our automatic precise CNC lathe with gantry loader, for saving the labor cost and improving the production efficiency.

 我们推荐精密数控车床自动化,为了节约人工和提高生产效率

 According to the product customer demand, we choose the manipulator up and down material, code disk storage material,use homemade collet to clamp blank material

 根据产品客户需求,我们选用机械手上下料,码盘储料,用自制夹头夹持毛坯料。

Specify solution: 具体的车型方案推荐

 》Precision CNC lathe S36 with slant bed 

》gantry loader 

》code disk


The other added devices is as below: 其他增加的装置描述如下:


 The last even well take care for the packaging


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