

来源:德力数控2023/10/17 8:47:41115
  德力数控将于2023年10月23日至26日参加一年一届俄罗斯莫斯科国际机床及焊接展览会,俄罗斯金属加工及焊接展览会(Technoforum & Rusweld 2023)由俄罗斯机床工具协会及Expocentre展览中心共同主办,并得到了俄罗斯国家杜马、俄罗斯工业贸易部以及俄罗斯工商联的支持。该展是俄罗斯下半年最为专业和有影响力的金属加工与焊接技术展览会。
  展览会(TECHNOFORUM &RUSWELD 2023)将于10月23日至26日在俄罗斯莫斯科举行,将为我们国内机床企业开拓俄罗斯市场的提供良好的展示平台。
  DELI CNC will participate in the annual Russian Moscow International Machine Tool and Welding Exhibition from October 23 to 26, 2023. The Russian Metal Processing and Welding Exhibition (Technoforum & Rusweld 2023) is organized by the Russian Machine Tool Association and Expocentre Exhibition Center which co-sponsored by the Russian State Duma, the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade and the Russian Federation of Industry and Commerce. This exhibition is the most professional and influential metal processing and welding technology exhibition in Russia.
  The exhibition (TECHNOFORUM & RUSWELD 2023) will be held in Moscow, Russia from October 23 to 26, and will provide a good display platform for our domestic machine tool companies to explore the Russian market.


  At that time, we welcome people from all industries to come and visit us.


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