工程机械、建筑机械等行业大型构件抛丸清理机产品说明:QT37系列工程机械抛丸清理机主要用于工程机械、建筑机械等行业。抛丸机其工作原理是:大工件由两个变频调速电动葫芦吊运快速到达清理副室,慢速匀速通过抛丸室,对大部件周身进行抛丸清理,抛丸后进入后附式对未清理到的工件死角采用喷丸罐进行喷丸清理;小工件由1个变频调速电动葫芦吊运快速到达清理副室,进入抛丸室停止,工件自传装置带动工件自转,对小部件进行抛丸清理.Detailed Product Description 1.Designed with CAD in computer 2.Use aotomatic air control doors 3.High effency by continuous work Machine purpose: This continuous hooks shot blasting machine applies to clean the surface of casting,gas bottle,forging,big steel structure,car wheels and coloured metal workpieces ,bicycle frame,Aluminum casting etc... Feature: Used to remove the rusty spot, rusty layer and scale cinder on steel to obtain a uniform, smooth and glossy metal surface Allowing improved coating quality and higher anti-corrosion performance