■ⅡA、ⅡB IIC类爆炸性气体环境。
◆Can be used in Zone and Zone dangerous places
◆Can be used in IIA、IIB、IICgroup explosive atmosphere.
◆Notice:Please note if need IIC grade needed.型号含义Main technical parameters重要技巧参数Main technical parameters回路数额定电压(A) 总开关电流(A) 支路电流(A) 防爆标记 防护等级 防腐等级 Circuit number Rated voltage Main current Branch current Ex-mark Protection grade Corrosion-proof gradeBTIP ,,,, ≤ ≤*Exde II CT*IP WFExde II
◆ A ble to control several motors,also to supply power for illuminating of instrument.
◆The shell is made of diacasted A-alloy or welded sl plates with plastic-sprayed surface.
◆ Inner components can be selected by user.
◆Local or remote control is available,or both.
◆ With protections of overload,short-circuit,and voltage-absent.
◆ Suitable for steel pipe and cable wiring.
◆ Suitable for GB-,IEC standard request.订货须知Notice if ordering订货时请将支路数及各支路对应 If ordering,The number of branch and its relative current of circuits shall be的电流,进出线口数量及相应的 indicated,also the imlet and outlet numbers and their directions,specifications方向,规格恳求清楚,如有总开关 specifications,lf want a chief switch,please note its current or offer drawing.并注明总开关的电流大小或供应图纸.矿用灯具 LED巷道灯 广东矿灯 湖南矿用灯具 湖北矿灯 广西巷道灯 海南移动照明车 海南应急照明灯 江西LED灯 江西石油化工灯具 江西照明 佛山代理 湖北厂用防爆配电柜 湖北配电箱 湖南防爆箱 湖南把持箱 湖南防爆按钮箱 湖南防爆把持箱 福建水利照明 福州照明