RHZK 系列正压式呼吸器是一种自给开放式空气呼吸器,广泛应用于消防、化工、船舶、石油、冶炼、仓库、试验室、厂矿等部门,为消防队员、抢救灾害人员、厂矿作业人员在浓烟、蒸汽、缺氧等各种恶劣环境中提供呼吸保护,不吸入有毒有害气体,从而有效地进行灭火、抢险救灾救护和劳动作业。 该产品经消防装备质量监督检验中心检测合格,符合 GA124 《正压式消防空气呼吸器》的要求。船用正压式呼吸器经中国船级社的型式认可和检验。
The RHZK series self-cbntained open-cercuit compressed air berathing apparatus are used widelyfor fire-fighing,chemiecal industry,shipping,laboratory,mine,petroleum,warenhouvs, factory and metal-lurgy.It can provide effey respiratory protecting from toxic gases for fire-fighter,life-saver,rescuer and operator who working in thick smoke,steam,and oxygen deficiency hazardous atmosphere. The product was awarded the certificate of inspection by state quality testing center for fire-fighting equipmentm,and it is up to the China standard of GA124"selCcontcained open-circuit copressed airbreathing apparatus for fire-fighting ,the breathirig apparatus for shipping was authorized by the China classification society of shipping.
型号 Type | 气瓶工作压力 operation pressure of MPa | 气瓶容量 L | 报警压力 MPa | 可使用时间 usble time | 重量 weight | 包装尺寸 packing dimentsion |
RHZK-5/30 | 30 | 5 | 4-6 | 50 | ≤ 12 | 77 × 30 × 49 |
RHZK-6/30 | 30 | 6 | 4-6 | 60 | ≤ 14 | 77 × 30 × 49 |
RHZK-6.8/30 | 30 | 6.8 | 4-6 | 60 | ≤ 8.5 | 77 × 49 × 31 |
RHZK-2/30 | 30 | 2 | 4-6 | 20 | ≤ 4 | 77 × 30 × 49 |