1756-2WS  ControlLogix系统电子秤模块

1756-2WS ControlLogix系统电子秤模块

参考价: 面议

2024-06-02 17:04:52





1756-2WS电子秤模块专为Allen-Bradley ControlLogix系统设计。它由Hardy Process Solutions设计和制造。1756-2WS电子秤模块的典型应用包括配料、混合、灌装、分配、重量水平和重量检查应用。1756-2WS模块是一个双秤模块,它占用ControlLogix机箱中的一个插槽。


产品细节:1756-2WS ControlLogix系统电子秤模块

1756-2WS电子秤模块专为Allen-Bradley ControlLogix系统设计。它由Hardy Process Solutions设计和制造。1756-2WS电子秤模块的典型应用包括配料、混合、灌装、分配、重量水平和重量检查应用。1756-2WS模块是一个双秤模块,它占用ControlLogix机箱中的一个插槽。该模块降低了安装成本并提高了速度,因为不需要外部以太网交换机和路由器。该模块从称重传感器或传感器收集数据,并通过底盘背板将收集的数据传输至ControlLogix处理器。1756-2WS模块支持C2电子校准,无需测试砝码即可进行校准。波形保护模块功能消除了秤周围的设备振动影响。1756-2WS秤模块支持热插拔,也称为带电插拔。



The 1756-2WS weigh scale module has been designed for the Allen-Bradley ControlLogix systems. It has been designed and manufactured by Hardy Process Solutions. The typical applications for the 1756-2WS weigh scale module include batching, blending, filling, dispensing, level by weight, and weight checking applications. The 1756-2WS module is a dual scale module and it takes up one slot in the ControlLogix chassis. The module reduces installation costs and enhances speed because external Ethernet switches and routers are not required. The module collects data from load cells or sensors and transmits the collected data to the ControlLogix processor over the chassis backplane. The 1756-2WS module supports C2 Electronic Calibration which enables calibration without test weights. The Wavesaver module feature eliminates plant vibration effects around the scale. The 1756-2WS scale module supports hot-swapping, also known as insertion and removal under power.

Two or three LEDs on the front panel of the 1756-2WS scale module report its functional characteristics and provide status updates. The module weighs 0.5 kilograms. The working temperature range for the 1756-2WS scale module is from 32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and the transportation/storage temperature range is from -40 to 185 degrees Fahrenheit. The weighing modes supported by the 1756-2WS module include the net, gross, and rate-of-change modes. The module also supports traditional calibration which uses test weights. The 1756-2WS scale module draws less than 0.0125 Amps of current at 24 Volts DC and less than 1 Amp of current from the chassis backplane at 5 Volts DC. The module can sense 5 Volts DC and it can accept input signals ranging from -0.3 to 15.3 millivolts. The module output can deliver 5 Volts DC to 8.75 Volts DC of output voltage. The 1756-2WS module is approved by the UL, CE, RoHS, and REACH standards.

推荐主营型号:1756-2WS ControlLogix系统电子秤模块

1C31181G01远程io模块EMERSON HENF442581R1控制模块ABB
IS200DTAIH1ACC数字输入I/O处理器涡轮控制GE P5EAa HENF206350R2控制模块ABB
T9432三路模拟输入模块 O3EHa HENF315087R2控制模块ABB
S72402-NANANA伺服驱动器科尔摩根 E3ED控制模块ABB
T9451数字输出单工控制器模块ic三工 HENF315276R1控制模块ABB
PR9376/20转速传感器EPRO O3EGb HENF315118R2控制模块ABB
MVI69L-MBS通信模块ProSoft O3ED控制模块ABB
Tcm08a HMI总线卡单元 O3ES HENF445789R1控制模块ABB
DS200SDCCG1AFD驱动控制板GE E3EB HENF315129R1控制模块ABB
内华达州本特利公司的双线传感器 HENF318736R1控制模块ABB
FC-TSAI-1620M安全管理系统模块 HESG324015R1/K/HESG324258R3/I/HESG448230R1输入输出模块ABB
8937-HN光纤扩展 HESG441635R1 HESG216877K电源控制器ABB
T8431可信TMR 24Vdc模拟输入模块ICS三路 3BHE023784 IGCT模块ABB
EASYGEN-3500-5/P2 8440-2145并联发电机组控制器伍德沃德 TB820V2 3BSE013208R1总线modem ABB
Mtl838b-mbf MBF接收机MTL 1TGE120028R0010人机系统接口ABB
CB06561 PRD-B040SSLZ-62驱动科尔摩根 DDC779BE02 3BHE006805R0002以太网控制模块ABB
api480g DC到DC隔离信号调节器 3BHE009017R0102 VLSCD板ABB
电路板模块 3BSE028140R0065张力电子产品ABB
Cb06551 prd – b040ssi -63伺服科尔摩根 CI860K01 3BSE032444R1基金会现场总线HSE接口ABB
SC-UCMX01 -175远程终端单元HONEYWELL CI854K01 3BSE025961R1通信接口模块ABB
NW-BM85C002桥接多路复用模块施耐德 HESG441633R1 HESG216875/K控制器模块ABB
Is200tturh1cfd标志vi卡ge PFTL201C 3BSE007913R50 50KN压力垫块称重传感器ABB
Is220pdiah1b I/O封装 SCYC51020 G脉冲触发板ABB







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