株洲鼎鑫电热设备有限公司是从事设计、生产中频、高频、超音频及工频感应加热设备的专业化高科技企业。公司拥有一支具有十几年行业经验丰富的专家研发队伍,并与多家科研机构建立密切合作关系,充分吸收、消化了国内外同类设备的*技术。 拥有石墨化炉、中频熔炼炉、感应加热、感应淬火等产品,广泛应用于航天、交通、机械、冶金、硬质合金、难熔合金、难熔金属、特种陶瓷、炭炭复合材料、半导体材料等几十种加工制造行业及领域中。 我公司拥有强大的售后服务网络,在全国二十多个省市设有办事处,为售后产品提供*的技术支持,并以质量求生存、以诚信、创新求发展,以人性化服务为宗旨。我公司愿与各界朋友竭诚合作,携手共创辉煌的明天! Dingxin Zhuzhou Electric Equipment Co, Ltd. is engaged in the design, production freque-ncy, high-frequency, and ultra-audio frequency induction heating equipment, specialized high-tech enterprises. The company has more than a decade with an industry experienced R & D team, and with a number of research institutions to establish a close cooperative relationship, to fully digest and absorb foreign advanced technology of its kind. Products are widely used in aerospace, transportation, machinery, metallurgy, hard alloy, hard alloy, refractory metals, special ceramics, carbon-carbon composites, semiconductor materials, such as dozens of processing and manufacturing industries in the area My company has a strong after-sales service network of more than 20 provinces and cities nationwide have set up their offices to provide first-class after-sale products, technical support and quality in order to survive, in good faith, innovation and development to human services for the purpose of the . Dingxin Zhuzhou Electric Equipment Co, Ltd. is willing to work with friends from all walks of life dedicated to working together to create brilliant tomorrow!