日本光明理化学株式会社北川式( KITAGAWA) 131型无机气体定性检测管和186B型有机气体定性检测管可在事故现场1分钟内定性测定10种无机气体和41种有机气体,操作简便,现场直读,本质安全,适用于各种气态污染物事故现场。测定原理气体定性检测管是在一根玻璃管内装。
This paper talks about the application of gas qualitative detecetor tube in the toixic gas pollution accident's urgent supervision It is described that the KITAGAWA inorganic gas qualitative detector tube and organic gas detector tube were applied to monitor toixic gas in the scene of an accident Then how to use the tube and how to protect the detector person is discussed.
86B General gas detector tubes are designed to measure the concentration of the Measuring Gas with the knowledge of gas components. However, when the measuring gas is unknown, qualitative analysis tubes enable you to analyze the gas quality and know the kind of gases that exist. Detecting reagents in five layers as shown below change colours as they analyze the gas quality. The existent gas is specified by the colour changes listed in the below table.
A B C D E Gas Existent --- --- --- --- Ammonia/Amines (*) --- --- --- --- Sulphur dioxide/Acetic acid --- --- --- --- Hydrogen chloride --- --- --- Chlorine --- --- --- --- Carbon dioxide --- --- --- --- Hydrogen sulphide --- --- --- --- Carbon monoxide --- --- --- --- Phosphine --- --- --- --- Acetylene* --- --- --- --- Methyl mercaptan(*)
--- : Undiscoloured
(*) : Toxic gases
The colours in the image and the table may look slightly different from the actual colours.