泰克 新款 TBS2000B 数字存储示波器
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面议泰克/吉时利DMM6500 6½ 位数字触摸屏万用表
Features & Benefits
Increased Performance and Simplicity
The TCP300 and TCP400 Series AC/DC current measurement family is a highly advanced current measurement system for today's current measurement needs. When connected to Tektronix oscilloscopes with TEKPROBE Level II, TekConnect (w/ TCA-BNC), or TekVPI (w/ TPA-BNC) interfaces, current measurements and calculations are simple and easy.
*1 Derated with duty cycle.
*2 Requires a TDS TEKPROBE oscilloscope or a TekConnect oscilloscope with TCA-BNC.
Meets Today's AC/DC Current Measurement Applications
The TCPA300 amplifier, when used with TCP312, TCP305, or TCP303 probes, provides a wide range of current measurement capability and spans the gap between low-level milliamp measurements to very high current levels. These three probes provide current measurement capabilities of 30 A, 50 A, and 150 A DC continuous. For even higher current levels, the TCPA400 amplifier with the TCP404XL current probe measures 500 A DC continuous and 750 A DC continuous, derated with duty cycle.
Higher frequency performance is available with the TCP312 w/TCPA300 providing ≥100 MHz bandwidth and a maximum current of 30 A DC.
Measurement Errors and Manual Calculations are Now a Thing of the Past
With this new series of current measurement tools, automatic control and on-screen scaling and units is provided for users of Tektronix TDS3000, TDS500, TDS600, TDS700, TDS5000, TDS6000, and TDS7000B Series oscilloscope systems (the DPO3000, DPO4000, and DPO7000 Series oscilloscopes, the TPA-BNC adapter is required).
The TCP300/TCP400 current measurement systems seamlessly integrate with your TDS Series oscilloscope.
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