BrightLine荧光滤光片拥有多项并屡获殊荣,它可以显著提升用户和OEM厂商的显微镜及分析设备的性能,既提供非常的通带透过率,也提供了*优的带外截止效果,从而得到*亮的图像。*新的里程碑式的创新是可调式 VersaChrome带通滤光片的产品线,该产品仅使用5个滤光片就可以覆盖全部的可见光谱。
滤光片型号 | Single-band Microscopy Filter Sets 单波段荧光滤光片组 |
TRP-A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Tryptophan and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Tryptophan, Naphthalene, Purine, Tryrosine |
DyLight405-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for DyLight 405 and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: DyLight 405 |
Sirius-A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Sirius and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Sirius |
DAPI-1160B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for DAPI and other like fluorophores Highest-contrast "no burn-out" single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: DAPI, Alexa Fluor 350, AMCA , BFP , Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, LysoSensor Blue, Marina Blue, Pacific Blue, sgBFP |
DAPI-5060C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for DAPI and other like fluorophores Highest-brightness "no burn-out" single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: DAPI, Alexa Fluor 350, AMCA , BFP , Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, LysoSensor Blue, Marina Blue, Pacific Blue, sgBFP |
FRET-BFP/GFP-B-000 | BrightLine FRET filter set, optimized for Blue & Green Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: BFP , DAPI, Alexa Fluor 350, GFP , EGFP, FITC , Cy2, Alexa Fluor 488 |
LF405-B-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 405 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, Alexa Fluor 350, Alexa Fluor 405, ACMA , BFP |
LF442-B-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 442 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: CFP |
CFP-2432C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Cyan Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: CFP , ECFP, AmCyan1, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1, DEAC |
FRET-CFP/YFP-C-000 | BrightLine FRET filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: CFP , CyPet, AmCyan1, YFP , YPet, Venus |
SpAqua-C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Spectrum Aqua and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SpectrumAqua, DEAC, CFP |
FURA2-C-000 | BrightLine single-band multi-exciter filter set, optimized for FURA2 and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: Fura-2, LysoSensor Yellow/Blue |
LF514-B-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 514 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: YFP , Alexa Fluor 514 |
FRET-GFP/RFP-C-000 | BrightLine FRET filter set, optimized for Green & Red Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: GFP , EGFP, FITC , Cy2, Alexa Fluor 488, mCherry, mStrawberry, dTomato, DsRed, TRITC |
GFP-1828A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores Highest-contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: GFP , Cy2, CyQuant Cell Proliferation Assay |
GFP-3035D-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: GFP , Cy2, CyQuant Cell Proliferation Assay, DiO, EGFP, sgGFP , wtGFP , YOYO-1, YO-PRO-1 |
FITC-2024B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for FITC and other like fluorophores Highest-contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: FITC , 5-FAM, Alexa Fluor 488, BODIPY, Calcein |
GFP-4050B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores Highest-brightness single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: GFP , Cy2, CyQuant Cell Proliferation Assay |
LF488-C-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 488 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: GFP , FITC , Alexa Fluor 488, sgGFP , wtGFP , rsGFP , Cy2, BODIPY, Calcein, MitoTracker Green |
QD525-C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Qdot 525 Nanocrystals and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Qdot 525 Nanocrystals |
SpGr-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Spectrum Green and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SpectrumGreen, FITC , Alexa Fluor 488 |
FITC-3540C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for FITC and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: FITC , 5-FAM, Alexa Fluor 488, BODIPY, Calcein, Fluo-4, MitoTracker Green, Oregon Green, Rhodamine 110, rsGFP |
FITC-5050A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for FITC and other like fluorophores Highest-brightness single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: FITC , 5-FAM, Alexa Fluor 488, BODIPY, Calcein |
SYBRGold-A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for SYBR Gold and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SBYR Gold nucleic acid gel stain/DNA |
YFP-2427B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Yellow Fluorescent Protein and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: YFP , EYFP, Calcium Green-1, Eosin, Fluo-3, Rhodamine 123 |
TRITC-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for TRITC and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: TRITC , Alexa Fluor 546, 5-TAMRA , Alexa Fluor 532, SpectrumOrange, BODIPY TMR-X, DiI, POPO-3, PO-PRO-3, Rhodamine |
SpGold-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Spectrum Gold and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SpectrumGold, TRITC , Alexa Fluor 546 |
SpOr-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Spectrum Orange and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SpectrumOrange, Cy3, Rhodamine, Alexa Fluor 555, SpectrumGreen, FITC , SpectrumOrange, SpectrumRed, Texas Red |
Cy3-4040C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Cy3 and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Cy3, DsRed, Alexa Fluor 555, Calcium Orange, LysoTracker Yellow, MitoTracker Orange, Phycoerythrin, Rhodamine Phalloidin, 5-TAMRA |
FRET-Cy3/Cy5-A-000 | BrightLine FRET filter set, optimized for Cy3 & Cy5 and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: Cy3 & Cy5 |
TxRed-4040C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Texas Red and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Texas Red, mCherry, 5-ROX , Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594, Calcium Crimson, Cy3.5, HcRed1, MitoTracker Red |
LF594-C-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 594 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: mCherry, mKate2, Alexa Fluor 594, Texas Red |
QD605-C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Qdot 605 Nanocrystals and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Qdot 605 Nanocrystals |
DiA-A-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for DiA and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: DiA |
LF561-B-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 561 & 568 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: mRFP1, mCherry, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568, DsRed, HcRed1, Rhodamine, Cy3, mApple |
QD625-C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Qdot 625 Nanocrystals and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Qdot 625 Nanocrystals |
SpRed-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Spectrum Red and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: SpectrumRed, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
Keima(pH)-A-000 | BrightLine single-band multi-exciter filter set, optimized for Keima(pH) and other like fluorophores 4-filter single-band set. Ideal for use with: Keima(pH) |
mCherry-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for mCherry and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: mRFP1, mCherry, mApple |
QD655-C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Qdot 655 Nanocrystals and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Qdot 655 Nanocrystals |
LF635-B-000 | BrightLine single-band laser filter set, optimized for 635 nm laser sources Laser optimized single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Cy5, Alexa Fluor 633, Alexa Fluor 647, APC , BODIPY 650/665-X, DiD ) - Lipophilic Tracer |
Cy5-4040C-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Cy5 and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Cy5, SpectrumFRed - Lipophilic Tracer, SYTO Red Fluorescent Nucleic Acid Stains 60, 62, 63, TOTO-3, TO-PRO-3 |
Cy5.5-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Cy5.5 and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Cy5.5, Alexa Fluor 680, Alexa Fluor 700 |
Cy7-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Cy7 and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: Cy7, Alexa Fluor 750 |
ICG-B-000 | BrightLine single-band filter set, optimized for Indocyanine Green and other like fluorophores High brightness and contrast single-band filter set. Ideal for use with: ICG |
滤光片型号 | Full Multiband Filter Sets 多波段荧光滤光片组 |
DA/FI-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for DAPI & FITC and other like fluorophores Multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Green: FITC , GFP |
DA/FI/TR-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & TRITC and other like fluorophores Multiband set with triple-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC ; Orange: TRITC |
DA/FI/TR/Cy5-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, TRITC, & Cy5 and other like fluorophores Multiband set with quad-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: TRITC ; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/561/635-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, 561, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized multiband set with quad-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: mRFP1, mCherry; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/594-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, & 594 nm laser sources Laser-optimized multiband set with triple-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Red: mCherry, Texas Red |
DA/FI/TX-B-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & Texas Red and other like fluorophores Multiband set with triple-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, AMCA; Green: FITC, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, MitoTracker Red, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
CFP/YFP-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Proteins and other like fluorophores Multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP , AmCyan11, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1; Yellow: YFP , Calcium Green-1, Eosin, Rhodamine 123 |
GFP/DsRed-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein & DsRed and other like fluorophores Multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP, rsGFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: DsRed, TRITC, Cy3, Texas Red-X Conjugate, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
LF488/561-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband laser filter set, optimized for 488 & 561 nm laser sources Laser-optimized multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP , FITC ; Red: mRFP1, mCherry |
FITC/TxRed-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for FITC & Texas Red and other like fluorophores Multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: FITC, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, mRFP1, mCherry, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
Cy3/Cy5-A-000 | BrightLine full-multiband filter set, optimized for Cy3 & Cy5 and other like fluorophores Multiband set with dual-band exciter, emitter, and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Yellow: Cy3, DsRed, Alexa Fluor 555; Red: Cy5, SpectrumFRed , Alexa Fluor 647, Alexa Fluor 660 |
滤光片型号 | Pinkel Multiband Filter Sets 多波段荧光滤光片组 |
BFP/GFP/HcRed-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Blue & Green Fluorescent Proteins & HcRed1 and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: BFP, DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, AMCA, Alexa Fluor 350 Green: GFP, rsGFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488 Red: HcRed1, Cy3.5, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
DA/FI-2X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI & FITC and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Green: FITC , GFP |
DA/FI/TR-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & TRITC and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC ; Orange: TRITC |
DA/FI/TR/Cy5-4X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, TRITC, & Cy5 and other like fluorophores 6-filter "Pinkel" quad-band set with 4 exciters and quad-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: TRITC ; Red: Cy5 |
DA/FI/TR/Cy5/Cy7-5X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy5 & Cy7 and other like fluorophores 7-filter "Pinkel" penta-band set with 5 exciters, a multiband emitter and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: TRITC ; Red: Cy5; Red/ Near-IR: Cy7 |
LF405/488/532/635-4X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, 532, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 6-filter "Pinkel" quad-band set with 4 exciters and quad-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: mRFP1, mCherry; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/543/635-4X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, 543, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 6-filter "Pinkel" quad-band set with 4 exciters and quad-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: mRFP1, mCherry; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/561/635-4X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, 561, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 6-filter "Pinkel" quad-band set with 4 exciters and quad-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: mRFP1, mCherry; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/594-3X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, & 594 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP; Red: mCherry, Texas Red |
DA(HB)/FI/TX-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI (High Brightness), FITC, & Texas Red and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. This set is optimized to provide High Brightness (HB) in the DAPI channel. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, AMCA; Green: FITC, GFP, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, MitoTracker Red, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
DA/FI/TX-3X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & Texas Red and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, AMCA; Green: FITC, GFP, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, MitoTracker Red, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
CFP/YFP-2X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Proteins and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP , AmCyan1, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1; Yellow: YFP , Calcium Green-1, Eosin, Rhodamine 123 |
CFP/YFP/HcRed-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Proteins & HcRed1 and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP, AmCyan1, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1; Yellow: YFP, Calcium Green-1, Fluo-3, Rhodamine 123; Red: HcRed1, Cy3.5, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 594 |
LF442/514/561-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 442, 514, & 561 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP; Yellow: YFP; Orange: mCherry |
GFP/DsRed-2X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein & DsRed and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP, rsGFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: DsRed, TRITC, Cy3, Texas Red-X Conjugate, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
LF488/543/635-3X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 488, 543, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 5-filter "Pinkel" triple-band set with 3 exciters and triple-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: FITC , GFP; Orange: Cy3, TRITC; Red: Cy5 |
LF488/561-2X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel laser filter set, optimized for 488 & 561 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP , FITC ; Red: mRFP1, mCherry |
FITC/TXRED-2X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for FITC & Texas Red and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: FITC, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, mRFP1, mCherry, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
GFP/HcRed-2X-A-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein & HcRed1 and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP, rsGFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: HcRed11, Cy3.5, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 594 |
Cy3/Cy5-2X-B-000 | BrightLine Pinkel filter set, optimized for Cy3 & Cy5 and other like fluorophores 4-filter "Pinkel" dual-band set with 2 exciters and dual-band emitter and beamsplitter filters. Ideal for use with: Yellow: Cy3, DsRed, Alexa Fluor 555; Red: Cy5, SpectrumFRed , Alexa Fluor 647, Alexa Fluor 660 |
滤光片型号 | Sedat Multiband Filter Sets 多波段荧光滤光片组 |
DA/FI-2X2M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for DAPI & FITC and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Sedat" dual-band set: 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Green: FITC , GFP |
DA/FI/TR-3X3M-C-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & TRITC and other like fluorophores 7-filter "Sedat" dual-band set with 3 exciters, 3 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC ; Orange: TRITC |
DA/FI/TR/Cy5-4X4M-C-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, TRITC, & Cy5 and other like fluorophores 9-filter "Sedat" dual-band set with 4 exciters, 4 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: TRITC ; Red: Cy5 |
DA/FI/TR/Cy5/Cy7-5X5M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, TRITC, Cy5 & Cy7 and other like fluorophores 11-filter "Sedat" penta-band set with 5 exciters, 5 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: TRITC ; Red: Cy5; Red/ Near-IR: Cy7 |
LF405/488/561/635-4X4M-A-000 | BrightLine Sedat laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, 561, & 635 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 9-filter "Sedat" quad-band set with 4 exciters, 4 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Orange: mRFP1, mCherry; Red: Cy5 |
LF405/488/594-3X3M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat laser filter set, optimized for 405, 488, & 594 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 7-filter "Sedat" triple-band set with 3 exciters, 3 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Red: mCherry, Texas Red |
DA/FI/TX-3X3M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for DAPI, FITC, & Texas Red and other like fluorophores 7-filter "Sedat" dual-band set with 3 exciters, 3 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI, Hoechst 33258, Hoechst 33342, Hoechst 34580, AMCA; Green: FITC, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, MitoTracker Red, |
CFP/YFP/HcRed-3X3M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Proteins & HcRed1 and other like fluorophores 7-filter "Sedat" dual-band set with 3 exciters, 3 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP, AmCyan1, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1; Yellow: YFP, Calcium Green-1, Fluo-3, Rhodamine 123; Red: HcRed1, Cy3.5, Texas Red, Alexa Fluor 594 |
LF488/543/594-3X3M-A-000 | BrightLine Sedat laser filter set, optimized for 488, 543 & 594 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 7-filter "Sedat" triple-band set with 3 exciters, 3 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Blue: DAPI; Green: FITC , GFP ; Red: mCherry, Texas Red |
LF488/561-2X2M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat laser filter set, optimized for 488 & 561 nm laser sources Laser-optimized 5-filter "Sedat" dual-band set with 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP , FITC ; Red: mRFP1, mCherry |
CFP/YFP-2X2M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for Cyan & Yellow Fluorescent Proteins and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Sedat" dual-band set: 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Cyan: CFP , AmCyan1, SYTOX Blue, BOBO-1, BO-PRO-1; Yellow: YFP , Calcium Green-1, Eosin, Rhodamine 123 |
GFP/DsRed-2X2M-C-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for Green Fluorescent Protein & DsRed and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Sedat" dual-Cand set: 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Green: GFP, rsGFP, FITC, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: DsRed, TRITC, Cy3, Texas Red-X Conjugate, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
FITC/TXRED-2X2M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for FITC & Texas Red and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Sedat" dual-band set: 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Green: FITC, GFP, rsGFP, BODIPY, Alexa Fluor 488; Red: Texas Red, mRFP1, mCherry, Alexa Fluor 568, Alexa Fluor 594 |
Cy3/Cy5-2X2M-B-000 | BrightLine Sedat filter set, optimized for Cy3 & Cy5 and other like fluorophores 5-filter "Sedat" dual-band set: 2 exciters, 2 emitters and a multiband beamsplitter. Ideal for use with: Yellow: Cy3, DsRed, Alexa Fluor 555; Red: Cy5, SpectrumFRed , Alexa Fluor 647, Alexa Fluor 660 |