Agilent HP 3560A 动态信号分析仪
The Agilent 3560A portable dynamic signal analyzer is an FFT-based instrument capable of measuring time domain and frequency signals from both steady state and quickly changing signal sources. With two input channels, the Agilent 3560A provides a variety of frequency response measurements with a frequency range from 31.25 mHz to 40 kHz. The Agilent 3560A provides more than raw measurements. The Integrated Electronics Piezo Electric (IEPE) input mode directly powers accelerometers and hammer kits, so external signal-conditioning hardware is not required. Synthesized octave measurements, spectral map displays and marker functions make the Agilent 3560A a powerful, portable measurement and analysis tool. 如果您对该产品感兴趣的话,可以给我留言!现货供应,咨询!
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