Agilent HP 5345A 通用计数器
The Agilent 5345A universal counter is a high-performance microwave and millimeter-wave pulse frequency counter. Operating from dc to 500 MHz, the counter also makes sub-microwave measurements including frequency, period, totalization, ratio, and time interval. As a full universal counter, the 5345A features 2 ns single-shot timing resolution, improving to 2 ps with averaging. The 5345A mainframe accommodates additional microwave products, including the 5355A Automatic Frequency Converter that extends operation to 1.5 GHz, and the 5356C Converter Head for measurements to 40 GHz. Together, the instruments provide an expandable range of capabilities for characterizing complex radar systems and components. 如果您对该产品感兴趣的话,可以给我留言!现货供应,咨询!
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