木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机

齐全木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机

参考价: 面议

2021-12-16 08:30:01





2015年木家具销售木材与木屑颗粒机来帮助你-木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机


2015年木家具销售木材与木屑颗粒机来帮助你-木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
不同类型的输出秸秆颗粒机,等您带回家--木屑颗粒机 秸秆颗粒机 永磁筒式磁选机 选矿用浮选机
誉恒品牌xy - 120型秸秆颗粒机,辅助动力是1.5 - -2.2千瓦,适合用户使用更少的物质生产力。输出40 - 50公斤/小时。飞机的直径是120毫米。生产完成后的粒子4-7mm。
秸秆颗粒机、4千瓦,平模直径是125毫米。粒子大小是4 mm-7mm。50 - 80公斤的模型是xy - 125
下面是生产150 - 300公斤的颗粒机。秸秆颗粒机的颗粒大小是4 mm-7mm,等。功率7.5千瓦。也有1000 - 1500公斤的颗粒机生产。-
2015 wood furniture selling wood pellet machine to help you with sawdust
Wood pellet machine professional manufacturer, we take the sturdy and durable quality, considerate installation training, perfect after-sale system return each customer.
Furniture companies generally have their own physical plant, so we all know, now a lot of people like solid wood furniture, solid wood furniture on the market sell in full swing. What is the processing of sawdust after processing? Sawdust pellet machine to help you solve this problem. Furniture factory, garden departments of the surplus of sawdust and other wood products slag can be through the processing equipment for efficient combustion particles, can be used for multiple locations of the civilian boilers, boilers and other urban bath center.
Wood pellet machine using waste wood chips and sawdust processing out of clean fuel particles and plays an important role for the development of the society.
Different types of output straw particle machine, etc. you take home
Henan Yuheng straw particle machine model is complete, over the years has been farmers, biomass power plants provide plenty of pellet feed and fuel particles. The following for you to introduce several types of Yuheng straw particle machine:
Yuheng brand XY-120 type straw particle machine, auxiliary power is 1.5-2.2kw, suitable for the user to use less material productivity. Output of 40-50 kg / h. The diameter of the plane is 120mm. Production of the finished particles is 4-7mm.
The straw particle machine, the power is 4kw, the flat die diameter is 125mm. The particle size is 4mm-7mm. The model of 50-80 kg was XY-125
The following is the production of 150-300 kg of the particle machine. The particle size of the straw particle machine is 4mm-7mm, etc.. Power 7.5kw. There are also produced 1000-1500 kg of particulate machine.
Henan Yuheng Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd. is the production of various types of straw particle machine performance, equipment, raw materials, the special steel processing and become, sturdy and durable.

上一篇:饲料加工机械原料接收上的要求 下一篇:饲料加工机械本身参数和产量对颗粒料长度的影响


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