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2022-05-09 17:40:02





Extech 7742 全功能安规综合测试仪超大型320×240 Graphic LCD 窗口,测试功能包括(ACW,DCW,IR,GB,LLT,RUN TEST),简单易懂的人机界面,可于同一画面下完整的显示所有的设定参数或量测数值,全范围电压输出稳压率在1%以内,可外接标准GPIB/RS-232界面作控制,可选购安规自动化测试软件,经由个人计算机PC作控制。


中国台湾华仪电子EXTECH 1978年创立,EXTECH为电子安规检测仪器的,产品包括耐压测试仪、绝缘阻抗测试仪、接地阻抗测试仪、泄漏电流(接触电流)仪、交流变频电源等。

Extech 7742 全功能安规综合测试仪超过30年的经验累积,中国台湾华仪电子、美国AR跨国研发团队合作;在产品服务上,坚持专业技术、产品设计与zui高品质。近30年来,华仪对于产品完善品质的坚持与提供客户完整解决方案的努力,获得客户的广在回响,让华仪始终稳居大中华地欧测试仪器市场。我司做为中国台湾华仪电子EXTECH多年的战略合作伙伴,我们将提供更好的服务及更低的价格。

Extech 7742 全功能安规综合测试仪 产品特点:

· 自动提示讯息功能(Prompt)。
· 快速放电线路 (:104990)。
· 可设定校正日期-时间的预警功能。
· 内建50组程序记忆、每一组30个测试步骤,可于一次设定连续测试。
· 全范围电压输出稳压率在1%以内。
· 键盘锁定功能。
· 内含防高压触电线路Smart GFI (:169000)。
· 简单易懂的人机界面。
· 缓升上限(Ramp High)设定(:100859)。
· 充电下限(Charge Low)设定 (:106128)。
· 内建PLC Remote可程序遥控界面。
· 可外接标准GPIB/RS-232界面作控制。
· 备有小电流接地阻抗检查功能(Continuity)。
· 量测速度快,准确度高。

Model 7742
  Range Resolution Accuracy
Output Voltage, ACV 0-5000 1 ± (2% of setting + 5V)
Output Frequency 50Hz/60Hz ±0.1%, User Selection
Output Waveform Sine Wave ,THD.<2% (Resistive Load), Crest Factor = 1.3 - 1.5
Output Regulation ± (1% of output + 5V), From no load to full load
HI and LO-Limit (Total), current, mA 0.000-9.999 (0=OFF) 0.001 ± (2% of setting + 2 counts)
10.00-40.00 0.01
HI and LO-Limit (Real), current, mA 0.000-9.999 0.001 ± (3% of setting + 50µA)
10.00-40.00 0.01
Ramp-Up Timer, second 0.1 - 999.9 0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Ramp-Down Timer, second 0.0-999.9
Dwell Timer, second 0, 0.4 - 999.9
Ground Continuity Current: DC 0.1 A ± 0.01A, fixed
Max. Ground Resistance: 1 Ω ± 0.1Ω, fixed
Arc Detection 1 - 9 ranges (9 is the most sensitivity)
Output Voltage, DCV 0 -5000 1 ± (2% of setting + 5V)
DC Output Ripple < 4 %(5KV/20mA at Resistive Load)
HI and LO-Limit, current, µA 0.0 - 999.9 0.1 ± (2% of setting + 2 counts)
1000 - 20000 1
Ramp-Up Timer, second 0.4 - 999.9 0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Ramp-Down Timer, second 0.0, 1.0-999.9
Dwell Timer, second 0, 0.3 - 999.9
Ramp-HI, current >20 mA peak maximum, ON/OFF User Selection
Charge-LO, current 0.0 - 350.0 µA DC or Auto Set
Discharge Time ≦ 200 msec
Maximum Capacitive Load
DC Mode
1µF < 1KV 0.08µF < 4KV
0.75µF < 2KV 0.04µF < 5KV
0.5µF < 3KV
Ground Continuity Current: DC 0.1 A ± 0.01A, fixed
Max. Ground Resistance: 1 Ω ± 0.1Ω, fixed
Arc Detection 1 - 9 ranges (9 is the most sensitivity)
Output Voltage, DCV 50 - 1000 1 ± (2% of setting + 2 counts)
Charging Current Maximum >20mApeak
HI and LO-Limit, resistance, MΩ 0.05 - 99.99
(HI – Limit: 0 = OFF)
0.01 Same as Resistance MEASUREMENT Accuracy
100.0-999.9 0.1
1000-50000 1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Ramp-Up Timer, second 0.1 – 999.9 0.1
Ramp-Down Timer, second 0=OFF, 1.0-999.9
Delay Timer, second 0, 1.0 - 999.9
Charge-LO, current, µA 0.000 - 3.500 or Auto Set
Output AC Current, A(7742 ) 1.00 – 40.00 0.01 ± (2 % of setting + 2 counts)
Output Voltage, Vac 3.00 – 8.00 0.01 ± (2 % of setting + 3 counts)
Output Frequency, Hz 50Hz/60Hz ±0.1%, User Selection
Output Regulation ± (1% of output + 0.02A), Within maximum load limits, and over input voltage range.
Maximum Loading 1.00–10.00A/0–600mΩ, 10.01–30.00A/0–200mΩ, 30.01–40.00A/0–150mΩ
Lead Resistance Offset, mΩ 0-200 1 1.00-2.99A,± (3 % of setting + 3 counts )
3.00 - 30A,± (2 % of setting + 2 counts )
3.00 - 40A,± (2 % of setting + 2 counts )
HI and LO-Limit Resistance, mΩ 0 – 150 (30.01-40.00A) 1
0 – 200 (10.01-30.00A)
0 – 600 (1-10.00A)
Dwell Timer, second 0, 0.5 - 999.9
(0 = continuous)
0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Output Current, DC 0.1A ± 0.01A, fixed
Lead Resistance Offset, Ω 0.00-2.00 0.01 ± (3% of setting+2 counts)
HI and LO-Limit, Resistance, Ω 0.00 – 10.00 (0=OFF)
Dwell Timer, second 0,0.3-999.9 0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Opt.734 (0 - 10kΩ)
Output Current DC 0.1A ± 0.01A,Max.
Max-Lmt, Ω 0.00 – 9.99 0.01 ± (1% of setting+5 counts)
10.0 – 99.9 0.1 ± (1% of setting+2 counts)
100 – 999 1
1000 – 9999 1
Min-Lmt, Ω 0.00 – 9.99 0.01 ± (1% of setting+5 counts)
10.0 – 99.9 0.1 ± (1% of setting+2 counts)
100 – 999 1
1000 – 9999 1
Dwell Timer, second 0.0, 0.3 – 999.9
(0 = continuous)
0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Resistance Offset, Ω 0.00 – 2.00 0.01 ± (1 % of reading + 5 counts)
  Range Resolution Accuracy
Voltage, KV(AC/DC) 0.00-5.00 0.01 ± (1.5 % of reading +1 count)
Voltage, Vdc (IR only) 0-1000 1 ± (1.5% of reading + 2 counts)
AC Current (Total), mA 0.000-3.500 0.001 ± (2% of reading + 2 counts)
3.00-40.00 0.01
AC Current (Real), mA 0.000-9.999 0.001 ± (3% of reading + 50?A)
10.00-40.00 0.01 All Ranges PF > 0.1 , V > 250VAC
DC Current, µA 0.0 - 350.0 0.1 ± (2% of reading + 2 counts)
DC Current, mA 0.300 – 3.500 0.001
3.00-20.00 0.01
AC Current, A (G.B for 7742 only) 0.00-40.00 0.01 ± (3 % of reading + 3 counts)
Resistance, MΩ (IR) 50-499V / 500-1000V   50 – 499V0.05–999.9, ±(7% of reading+2 counts)
0.050-1.999 / 0.050-9.999 0.001 500 – 1000V
2.00-19.99 / 0.050-9.999 0.01 0.10–999.9, ±(2% of reading+2 counts)
20.0-199.9 / 100.0-999.9 0.1 1000–9999, ±(5% of reading+2 counts)
200-50000 / 1000-50000 1 10000–50000, ±(15% of reading+2 counts)
Resistance, mΩ (GB) 0-600 1 1.00 – 2.99 A, ± (3 % of reading + 3 counts)
3.00 – 40.00 A, ± (2 % of reading + 2 counts)
Resistance, Ω (Continuity) 0.00-10.00 0.01 ± (3 % of reading + 2 counts)
Resistance, Ω (Continuity) Opt.734 0.00 – 9.99 0.01 ± (1% of reading+5 counts)
10.0 – 99.9 0.1 ± (1% of reading+2 counts)
100 – 999 1
1000 – 9999 1
Input Voltage AC 115/230Vac±15%, 50/60Hz ± 5%, Fuse 10A/250V Slow-Blow for 7742 Model
PLC Remote Control Input : Test, Reset, Interlock, Recall File 1 through 10
Output:- Pass, Fail, Test-in-Process
Memory 50 memories, 30 steps/memory
Graphic Display 320 x 240 Monographic LCD, 9 ranges contrast setting
Safety Built-in Smart GFI circuit,GFI trip current 450µA max, HV shut down speed: <1mS
Interface Standard RS232,Optional GPIB (IEEE-488.2),Multi-function Interface Card,Ethernet Card.
Security Programmable password lockout capability to avoid unauthorized access to test set-up program.
Alarm Volume Setting Range: 0-9 ;0=OFF, 1 is softest volume, 9 is loudest volume.
Calibration Software and adjustments are made through the front panel. Automatic Calibration alert function to signal operator when re-calibration is due.
Environment 0-40℃, 20-80%RH
Dimensions/Net Weight 430mm(W)×133mm(H)×500 mm(D)/30Kg for MODEL 7742
Power Cord(10A) ×1
Fuses ×2 (Including a spare contained in the fuse holder)
Interlock Disable Key(1505) ×1
Hipot Test Lead ,1.5m(1101) ×1
Ground Bond Test Lead 40A
Ground Bond Return Lead 40A
RS232 Link Cable 1.5m(1130) ×1
MATRIX SCANNER MODULE (Opt.736 for 7742)
High Voltage Rating 5KVAC/5KVDC
High Current Rating 40 A
Number of HV Channel 8
Number of HA Channel 8
RUN TEST MODULE (Opt.738,Opt.739 for 7742)
  Range Resolution Accuracy
Voltage, Vac 00.-277.0 0.1 ± (1.5% of reading +2counts), 30.0-277.0V
Current, Aac 0.00-15.00 0.01 ± (2.0% of reading + 2counts)
Power, Watts 0-4200 1 ± (5% of reading + 3 counts)
Power, Factor 0.000-1.000 0.001 ± (8% of reading + 2 counts)
Leakage Current, mA 0.00-10.00 0.01 ± (2% of reading + 2 counts)
MD Circuit Leakage Current measuring resistance = 2KΩ±1%
Timer, second 0.0-999.9 0.1 ± (0.1% of reading + 0.05 sec)
HI and LO Limit AC Voltage, V 0.0-277.0 0.1 ± (1.5% of setting + 0.2 V), 30.0-277V
HI and LO Limit AC Current, A 0.00-15.00 0.01 ± (2.0% of setting + 2 counts)
HI and LO Limit AC Power, W 0 - 4200 1 ± (5.0% of setting + 3 counts)
HI and LO Limit Power Factor 0.000-1.000 0.001 ± (8% of setting + 2 counts)
HI and LO Limit Leakage Current 0.00-10.00, Hi-Limit 0=OFF 0.01 ± (2% of setting + 2 counts)
Delay Time, second 0.2-999.9 0.1 ± (0.1% + 0.05 sec)
Dwell Time, second 0, 0.1-999.9 (0=continuous)
Cold Resistance 0~10KΩ
AC Voltage 0 - 277.0V, Single phase unblance, 0 - 15.0A maximum
Power Rating 4200 W maximum
DUT Protection Short circuit current 23A, < 3 sec, Inrush Current 68A Response time 1m sec
Power Cord(15A) ×1
LLT Receptacle Adaptor Box 20A ,1.6m(1905) ×1
Frequency Range DC-1MHz
Leakage Current Range (RMS) Resolution Accuracy (DC-100KHz) Accuracy ( >100KHz to 1 MHz)
0.0µA - 999.9µA 0.1µA ±(1.5% of reading + 3counts) ±(5% of reading + 5µA)
1000µA - 6000µA 1µA ±(1.5% of reading + 3counts)
Leakage Current Range (Peak), Opt.739 Only Resolution Accuracy (DC-100KHz) Accuracy ( >100KHz to 1 MHz)
0.0µA - 999.9µA 0.1µA ±(10% of reading + 2µA) ±(10% of reading + 2µA)
1000µA - 6000µA 1µA
Range 0.0-277.0 VAC
Resolution 0.1 V
Accuracy ± (1.5% of reading +0.2V), 30.0-277.0V
DUT Input Power Rating 0-277V,AC@ 15Aac max
DUT Protection Short circuit current 23A, <3 sec, Inrush Current 68A Response time 1m sec
High/Low Limit, µA Range 0.0 - 6000µA(0=OFF) , Resolution 0.1µA
Delay Time, second Range 0, 1.0-999.9 (0=continuous), Resolution 0.1second
Compliance Standards A UL544 Non Patient, UL484, IEC60598, UL1363
B UL544 Patient Care
C UL2601-1, IEC60601-1, EN60601-1
D UL1563
E UL60950, IEC60950, IEC61010-1, IEC60335-1, IEC60990 Fig4 U2
F IEC60990 Fig5 U3
G IEC60990 Fig3 U1
MD A - G components Accuracy: Resistance ± 1% Capacitor ± 5%
MD Voltage Limit Maximum 30V peak or 30VDC
Hipot Return Lead ,1.8m(1102) ×2
*product specifications are subject to change without notice.

上一篇:电压表和电流表都是根据一个原理进行作业的 下一篇:现代仪器仪表技术发展战略详细分析


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